Brownell Ltd panel mounted desiccators have been designed to protect all kinds of electronic and electrical equipment against corrosion, dampness and contamination. Reducing any existing or incoming moisture to acceptable levels, will remove these problems. Saturation indicators built-in to the units show when reactivation or replacement is required.

These plastic units use powerful adsorbing agents, either silica gel or molecular sieves.  The saturation indicators are blue when the humidity adsorber is dry and turn pink when the maximum amount of moisture has been adsorbed.

The silica gel adsorbers can be reactivated for re-use, by heating them at 100ºC (212ºF) for 4 hours in a ventilated oven.  Molecular sieve adsorbers maintain an ultra-low relative humidity for extremely sensitive applications and cannot be reactivated.  These are particularly useful for equipment operating under extreme temperature conditions as molecular sieves can eliminate any moisture dropout.

The use of panel mounting desiccators will not only extend the operating life of equipment. It can also help in extending the safe working environmental limits, in which equipment can work.