A renowned Welsh businessman in building services engineering claims the Brexit vote will likely not have a detrimental effect on the building services sector in the UK and encourages stability through the initial period following the Leave campaign victory

Dave Kieft, director and co-owner of RDM Electrical and Mechanical Services based in Swansea, has stressed that despite the recent turmoil, the current legal situation of the sector today is still the same as yesterday. We are still in the EU and will be for at least the next two years.

The immediate priority for government is to work towards increasing confidence and stability in the economy and to carefully arrive at the best decisions for the UK’s future relationship with the EU, and indeed the rest of the world.

Kieft is president of the Electrical Contractors’ Association (ECA), the leading body representing building engineering contractors. The ECA will be taking a leading role within the engineering services sector, working with the wider business community and the government, as well as its partners across Europe, to shape the best conditions for prosperity.

Kieft is highly regarded throughout the industry as an innovative businessperson, a strong advocate of business interests in Wales, and an active vocational trainer within the electrical engineering sector. He is also the ECA’s spokesperson for Wales.

Kieft commented:

“As we are aware, things are a bit of a mess at present and will probably not stabilise for a while. What we must not do is panic and make knee jerk reactions.

“It will now be an interesting period as we try to disentangle ourselves from some of Europe’s legislation but what we must remember is the UK has some of the highest technical standards in the world and on this front we will remain in this position.

“We need a period of maintained stability until we fully understand the implications of what the UK has voted for and how we progress into a new era. What I am sure of is that the UK will remain strong on a worldwide basis and we will uphold our importance on the world stage. We must strive to ensure we hold on to our superior standards, which make us world leaders in the building services industry.”