The managing director of a Swansea-based electronics firm claims that although he does not agree with the decision for the UK to leave the EU, it is now about recognising the opportunities that do exist for businesses as the UK moves forward following Brexit

Clive Murphy, managing director of Trojan, a company that provides multichannel etail sales and fulfilment, electronic manufacturing and asset recovery through refurbishment and recoup, commented:

“Personally I do not think it was the correct decision for the United Kingdom to leave. The EU in its current format is broken but maybe we are better fighting from within than being on the outside. Both In and Out campaigns were very poor with inaccurate information and scaremongering, making it very difficult for anyone to truly understand the pros and cons of staying or leaving the EU. However the result is that we are Out so we therefore have to just get on with it. I feel it will be a bumpy road but remain optimistic that even with uncertain and difficult times there will be opportunities, it’s just about realising them.”