Solar PV panel installations from Power Continuity for your OFF GRID electricity. Cut electricity costs. Get Control of your raising costs.

Whether we support 50% of your business or 100% off-grid, Power Continuity can design an efficient SOLAR PV industrial scale off-gird system that makes economic sense and pays you back year on year.


Stand-alone Solar PV panel installations means that your business is producing its own electricity and using the own produced electricity, yourself rather than selling it to the GRID. An investment that keeps on giving today and for decades to come. Pay back that keeps paying back. Cap your Energy Costs today and reduce your carbon foot print-dramatically .


Solar PV panel installations for your business critical site can be installed NOW by Power Continuity. Why are you waiting, watching your energy bills rising out of control? We have the experience and expertise to design, install and maintain your OFF-GRID Solar PV panel installation.

Industrial solar panels are suitable for distribution centres, data centres, warehouses, factories, and large office blocks anywhere in the UK.


Electricity costs are rising out of control- the only way is UP

Solar PV panel installations by Power Continuity STOPS the rise and dramatically reduces your energy costs..

Power Continuity has over 25 years expertise of design, install and maintain the ideal power protection system for your business-critical site, that includes power infrastructure supported by Solar PV renewable energy systems.


Solar PV installations combined with Battery back-up and storage systems for make it possible to store any surplus solar PV energy produced during the day, to be used at the time your site needs it most. Automatically, programable. Green Power stored power control.

Power Continuity will design the BESS system to ‘kick in’ to add extra electricity to your site during the peak periods, when your mains supply costs per unit, are at their highest. e.g. 9-11 am or 5-7pm.


Solar PV that you’re not using each day can be stored on site for later use. Renewable energy storage batteries that are powered by either Solar PV or over night GRID power, not only save you money but it also increases your bottom line. Alternative electricity that you control. REAL Power Continuity.


SOLAR PV panels industrial installation investment costs can be re-couped within 3-4 years or even faster, depending on the scale of your system. Thereafter your savings will be compounded in hundreds of thousands, even millions of pounds over the next 25 years.

All our systems are backed with Power Continuity long term warranties-

LPG GAS Generator SYSTEMS ( backup to solar power)

Solar PV roof Installations can be supplemented, to become OFF GRID, by adding –

LPG Gas Generators ( LPG costs less than 30% than diesel fuel-Sept 22)

Resilient energy systems that aren’t dependent on the GRID

Or we can go one step further and add Battery back-up and storage systems for solar PV installations as well as LPG generators.

Power Continuity design and install the whole GREEN POWER system


WORRIED about out-of-control energy costs?

Don’t PANIC.

YOU need Power Continuity to design and install your own off-gird back up power system. Our engineering team designs bespoke Solar PV energy systems to suit your budget.

From the original concept through to installation and beyond.

Let’s design your bespoke solar PV system and see your profits grow.

Watch it all function from your own smart phone- Power in your hands.


Power Protection consisting of Green Power /Off Grid/UPS/Generators.

All mission critical business operations that require absolutely 100% Total NO Break Power uninterruptible power protection solutions, 24 hours a day.
Power Continuity installations are automatically activated in the event of a GRID failure providing seamless emergency power to ensure your operations continue without any power disruption. 100% No Break in power.

PowerContinuity also prevents damage to your equipment caused by sudden voltage drop and power outages that ‘knock’ out software and robotics lines..


Our experience and expertise means that we work around your needs and design and fit panel configurations, that are the most efficient for your site. Green Power for decades to come, produced by your own site for your use.

Uninterruptible Power? Need NO Break Power Protection too? Critical site?

Then only Power Continuity can offer you everything that’s Green to protect your critical site and that includes  DRUPS GREEN Power UPS.

DRUP UPS even while in stand-by operation offers :-
power factor correction, filtering of harmonics, protection against voltage peaks / drops and frequency errors and the elimination of harmonic distortion.

The GRID is delivering dirty power across the UK and the only way to protect heavy industrial & pharmaceutical production sites is by installing a Rotary Fly Wheel UPS system. NOTHING gets through a DRUPS.


DRUPS Rotary Fly Wheel systems provide CLEAN seamless power even when a phase is lost. NOTHING gets through a DRUPS to your site.

NO Batteries. The GREENEST solution. The GREENEST UPS.

DRUPS backed up by GENERATORS using HVO renewable fuel

We service and maintain all our own, SOLAR PV OFF-GRID systems and Critical Power systems with our own nationwide trained PowerContinuity engineers.  On call 24 hours a day.

We Design. We build. We Install.
Seamless Guaranteed Power

We are Power Continuity

Call us on 0845 055 8455 We’re here to help 24/7