“I didn’t know you did that!” It’s something Pepperl+Fuchs often hear. Yet Pepperl+Fuchs are committed to innovation and bringing new ideas to their clients

From November 2018 Pepperl+Fuchs are taking to the road with their Mobile Exhibition Bus to showcase their latest innovations. 

Don’t miss the opportunity to be inspired by their latest technologies and attend their tailor-made training courses to suit customer requirements. Seating between four and six people the vehicle transforms into a portable classroom.

With a full set of exhibition panels inside, the custom-built mobile exhibition vehicle offers visitors the same experience as stepping on to a stand at a show but without the inconvenience of travelling.

“Fully wired and working sensors allow us to quickly communicate the features of a product often saving considerable time for our customers compared to a conventional sales call,” – Paul Cusack, UK Sales Manager with Pepperl+Fuchs.

Sensor surgery is open.  Their team of sensor experts and industry specialist will be on-board and ready to discuss your sensing and positioning challenges.

“While online product evaluation and selection process have come a long way, there is still much to be said for real life “browsing” when it comes to broadening your knowledge of new products and technologies available.” Says Mark Timmins, Marketing Manager. “Our products are not “virtual” they are designed to sense and interact with the real world and being able to touch and test them is often distinctly beneficial for our customers.”

Jump aboard and connect to the innovation.

For dates and details email tfleming@gb.pepperl-fuchs.com